Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

I really want to change my look, but I'm not sure if I want to dye my hair black. My hair is dark and i really want some cute red and blond highlights. I'm also a little worried that my new style won't go well with my skin tone and face shape. What's your oppinion?

My pic:


The color I want:


p.s. i reposted this question cuz i really screwed it up the first time :P

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

My friend did something like that and it looked good. though usually im not a big fan of bolnde highlights on brown hair...its just not usually flattering for any brunettes

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

I have brown hair also the blonde looks ok but the red is a little bit you know so I would go with the blonde more.

It would also suit you if you straighten your hair.

Try going not as bold on the red.

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

first of all ur hella pretty and wow that other gurls make up is way too much lol, at first i couldnt picture blond AND red but i c now... i think if you get some weave in ur hair it would look cute but with short its not cute

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

i have dark brown hair and had blonde and fire engine red chunks and it looked awesome but beware red fades really really fast.

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

i like the red ,but i think lighter would look cuter on you blond highlights will look cute.... cause you have a nice skin tone for it... if i go too light ill look like a ghost lol

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

I don't know how old u r but african american hair is not the best type of hair to work on by yourself. I am a retired hairdresser so please listen GO TO A SALON especially when putting different colors in your hair it will be worth the money believe me!!!!!

I have brown hair. Would red and blonde highlights look any good?

I reckon that would look pretty sweet on you. I think the colours would go nice with your skin tone. Even something like this would look stunning on you.

But the brown being darker and blonde.


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