Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Should I dye my hair blood red?

I love love LOVE to dye my hair.

Right now it is maroon on the top layers, black on the bottom layers...and I'm toying with the idea of dying it blood, fire engine bright red (but not orangey at all). I have dark brown eyes and my natural hair colour is medium brown, and my skin tone is warm...what do you think?

Should I dye my hair blood red?

The contrast would actually be very shocking and add to the effect you're probably going for if you're dying it blood red, lol. Make sure to do it professionally, since bleaching first would get the best results. The biggest thing I can say though is be absolutely sure your skin tone won't look terribly washed out or pasty with an intense colour... I thought black hair and pale skin was very awesome... but the colour black i chose to dye my hair made me look... pretty disgusting actually hahaha... so it's all in matching tones!!

(i have natural orange hair and really pale skin... darker skin toned friends with dyed hair though ^^)

Should I dye my hair blood red?


Should I dye my hair blood red?

No. it will make your skin seem even darker - believe me. Unless you have light skin, it won't be flattering.

Should I dye my hair blood red?

I love dying my hair red! A good color is Herbal Essences #44 radient ruby!

Should I dye my hair blood red?


If it doesn't, it sure will be dramatically damaged. Not worth the risk.

Here's what you can do. Go to Walmart and get this non permanent hair dye that Herbal Essences makes. It has no real dye, so it can only darken your hair, but it does NO damage.

Get a brown, copper, or black, put the foam on your hair for 30 minutes, wash it out, and BOOM, your hair is fixed. I've used it, and the darker colors really stay in a long time. Plus, it's only $5.

By the time it starts fading back to red, 8 weeks will have passed, and it will be safe to dye your hair again

Should I dye my hair blood red?

yes, i had red highlights and i loved it!!

Should I dye my hair blood red?

Herbal Essences #44 radient ruby! YAAAAAAA!!!!! DO IT!!! just do it!!!!!

Should I dye my hair blood red?

i dotn think red would work. good luck, but maybe a blue??

Should I dye my hair blood red?

depends on you if you really want to dye your hair red or not

Should I dye my hair blood red?

only you can answer that .why are you drying your hair all those colors to begain with who are you up set with some one in your family.

Should I dye my hair blood red?

NOOO!!!!!!!!!!! first off trust me on this, you need to make sure your putting this color on your hair with enough time for your not to still be Healthy.. and it's not my style, why not go back to your brown and put auburn colors in it ;), but if its what you want, then do it... I'm sure it will look good!!!!

Should I dye my hair blood red?

Hey if you want to dye ur hair, dye ur hair, who are we to stop u, go for it, hope it looks great.

Should I dye my hair blood red?

After all you are dying your hair only. You have the options and since you chose blood red go ahead. You need not ask as you have decided and just do it. Once it is done if you feel comfortable with it stick to it or reverse it. It is simple but if you are cropping your hair then thnk twice as you need to grow your hair again. Dying is simple and several colours are available.

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